
Showing posts from March, 2019

Who Names the World: Reading Pedagogy of The Oppressed

The use of preposition ‘of’ instead of ‘for’, and th e   use  of definite article ‘The’ ,  symbolizes the pedagogy –its  dialoging nature – and qualifies the oppressed as unique . In the first chapter, Freire delves into the dynamics of oppression and what constitutes true liberation. In the second chapter, the focus is on how education operates in the banking mode while blunting the ability to think and hence perpetuating and sustaining oppression. In the third chapter, the nature of problem posing education, through dialoging on themes generated by the oppressed, is explained. In the last chapter, how dialogism leads to liberation and anti-dialogism leads to oppression is detailed   1. In support o f  the Pedagogy of the Oppressed    A commonplace argument is that there is no oppression, but one is oppressed because he is lazy and lacks any m otivation to work his way out.  Some attribute oppression to fate, but do not realize the historical vocation of hu